Psychological Services

Dr. Tobias A. Ryan, PsyD, earned his Doctorate of Clinical Psychology from Pacific University’s School of Professional Psychology in 2007.

He worked full-time as a psychologist intern at Central Washington University while completing his dissertation, and acting as an editor for other students from the United States and Canada. Dr. Ryan gained his license to practice in Oregon in 2009, and his license to practice in Washington in 2011. His full-time practice, Riverbridge Psychological Services, is based in Vancouver, Washington. 

Tobias A. Ryan, PsyD, has worked with children and families in treatment centers and independent practice for over twenty years. In addition to psychological assessments in educational, vocational, and forensic settings, he has provided therapy for children, adults, couples, and families. His research has been on culturally responsive practice and personality assessment, specifically the clinical use of the MMPI-2. Dr. Ryan has taught at the University of Portland since 2013 where he was awarded the citation of Shepard’s Shepherd for positive student impact in 2023. 

Therapy & Testing


Custody and Parenting Time Evaluations


  • Hearing Beyond What Is Spoken: Collective Grief at the Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre.

    Kawamura, N.O., & Ryan, T. A. (2021). Journal of Museum Education, 46(2), 184–191.

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  • An MMPI-2 Hopelessness Scale: Construction, Initial Validation and Implication for Suicide Risk

    Nichols, D.S.; Innamorati, M.; Erbuto, D.; Ryan, T.A.; Pompili, M. (2021). Journal of Affective Disorders Reports. 3: 100057.

  • The MMPI-2 Structural Summary: A brief introduction.

    Nichols, D.S. & Ryan, T.A. (2014) In Raffaello Cortina (2014), MMPI-2: Manuale per l'interpretazione e nuove prospettive di utilizzo. Varese: Consorzio Artigiano LVG. 


The Academy Building
400 E Evergreen Blvd, Suite 221
Vancouver, WA 98660

(360) 657-9742